Beverly Hills MARKETWatch, 16 New Homes & 1 Condo For Sale and 8 Properties Sold the Past 7 days
Tomorrow night is Halloween and it is important to drive safely, as there will be children walking in the streets in search of large...
Beverly Hills MARKETWatch, 9 New Homes & 2 Condos For Sale and 7 Properties Sold the past 7 days
Tonight is the first game of the World Series with the Los Angeles Dodgers and the Boston Red Sox. The last time the two teams met in...
Beverly Hills MARKETWatch, 14 New Homes & 2 Condos For Sale and 5 Properties Sold the Past 7 day
The Santa Ana winds arrived yesterday along with a 10-15 degree increase in the temperature. We are expecting warm and windy days for...
Beverly Hills MARKETWatch, 20 New Homes & 5 Condos For Sale and 7 Properties Sold the Past 7 day
I spoke with my nephew who lives in Manhattan on Sunday. He told me that he is preparing for inclement weather this coming week and...
Beverly Hills MARKETWatch, 14 New Homes & 6 Condos For Sale and 8 Properties Sold the Past 7 day
Fall arrived last week, and this week we are expecting a couple of days of rain. It has been some time since we saw any rainfall here,...